I know I haven`t posted for a long,looong time and I`m just about to tell you why.
I`ve been busy with all the contests,festivals and shows.
International Dancing Contest in Arad
3 days of dancing,excitement and of course,a lot of fun.I just can`t describe the feeling,you have to experience it yourself to understand (and this is for the people that think dancing is just fooling around.well.It`s NOT).
Domino ♥
...guess what?We won the first place altough the competition was tough.So happy.So proud.So love the team and my teacher!
International Drama Festival
I acted in 2 plays,and both were very successful. I love acting.It`s so much more real than life.
Children`s Palace.Remember.♥
...a story about some homeless people that fight for a shelter while dancing.one of them is apreciated by two coreographers and offer her a chance to an audition.One of the coreographers falls in love with her but because of his rude behaviour,the girl decides to go back to the streets,where she belongs.
Awards:Best Coreography.Best Acting Team
"Avram Iancu" High School.The Tragi-comic Story of Pyramus and Thisbe. ♥
...a part of Shakespeare`s Midsummer Night`s Dream.I suppose it needs no other description.
Awards:Most Popular Show.2nd Prize for Best Actress
And my contest schedule doesn`t end here.I`ve got more to go so...wish me luck.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Posted by Cristina at 10:56 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Silly thoughts
S-a dus.
Fericirea de-a fi iubit."
Stau in pat,ochelarii pe nas(mioapa de mine),limonada alaturi,lumina slab aprinsa,Romeo si Julieta in mana.Citesc aceeasi replica de o mie de ori...stau...ma gandesc si o mai citesc o data.Multa dragoste,prea multe declaratii,mult prea multe scene siropoase.Si pana la urma,au murit unul pentru celalalt.Awwwwww.Cum ar fi sa fiu eu, Julieta la balcon si EL,Romeo in gradina intepat de ganganii si urzici:
"Romeo!De ce esti tu Romeo?"
"Aripile iubirii ma-naltara.Nu-i zid sa poata stanjeni iubirea!"
Si m-am blocat.Iar mi-a alunecat gandul la adevaratul Romeo.Si iar pierd 5 minute gandindu-ma ce face?cum e imbracat?daca se gandeste la mine?Evident,raspunsul este negativ.Gata.Ma ridic din pat si imi indop urechile cu melodia preferata data la maxim in micutul mp4.Ma gandesc la el si simt ca va fi o noapte lunga...
Posted by Cristina at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
There THEY go again...
Hypnotized,so mesmerized.
By HIM of course.
(that`s how all love stories begin.SHE is totally crazy about HIM)
I love YOU.
(HE says to her while floating on a love cloud)
Let`s fight for this love.
Because,two is definately better than one.
(after months and months...THEY still try to make it work)
You don't need me at all,do you?
(SHE is disapointed.HE is uninterested.so they go on separate ways)
He isn't coming back anymore.
(SHE is sitting alone.in a boring room.thinking of what used to be)
(months pass.they meet on the street)
HE:Oh my...I can`t believe it...you look amazing.
SHE:O thanks...you haven`t changed a bit!
(and SHE walks away just like HE walked away from her once.HE now realises what he threw away.SHE looks back.)
and there THEY go again...
Posted by Cristina at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
Confession of a choko-hollic
It all began 11 years ago,when my mouth first met sweet,creamy,delicious chocolate.Since then,I love chocolate-always have,always will.It doesn't matter how I eat the darn stuff, I just like it.
I love Chocolate Pies, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookies, Chocolate Fudge,Chocolate Pudding or just about any other way you can think of to use Chocolate.
And which is the best thing about it?Never getting fat+dozen of energy.It`s like I would be living on tofu ,only 10000 times better.
No more chit-chat,let`s get choko maniacs.
Posted by Cristina at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Animal ♥
This video goes straight to every animal lover`s heart.
Posted by Cristina at 11:04 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 1, 2010
1 Martie=Primavara
A sosit primavara, si o data cu ea soseste si viata.In sfarsit.Gata cu cizmele blanoase si gecile groase,gata cu ingheatatul nasului daca iesi din casa,cu Mos Craciun malefic care iti invadeaza casa si iti lasa sub brad tone de pijamale roz ,desi detesti rozul, printre mii de alte cadouri,alte funde si ambalaje,zilele de Craciun plictisitoare in care te indopi cu mancare si prajituri ca un porc.
Cum spuneam,a venit primavara!!!Soare stralucitor,pasarele ciripind,buburuze,flori...flooooooori=polen=o alergie minunata.........
In concluzie?Sunt o obsedata incurabila de primavara/vara si de tot ce ne ofera.
Si cum azi e 1 Martie:
- La Multi Ani!
- Multumesc colegilor/prietenilor care au fost atat de draguti si mi-au adus martisoare desi in ziua de azi,multora nu le pasa!
- O primavara faina!

Posted by Cristina at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Off track?#2
There is no need for you to perceive the world in such a sad way.When we wake up in the morning,an existential question usually pops into our heads:"Should I skip school today?"Obviously,the ones who answer with:"I shouldn`t." are too few,so they don`t count...If the world was so easy to deal with...but it`s not.
Think of the many questions inside our heads.Questions that are supposed to give immediate answers,not to bring up even more shuffled question marks.
How much time do you usually spend in front of the mirror in the morning,until you decide what to wear that day?
How often do you think of your being invisible?
How often do you get drunk?
How often do you feel like something`s missing from your life?
How often do you change your mood?
How often do you feel you`re loosing your mind?
It is perfectly normal for each one of us to miss the essence of what we do every day and if we do this,isn`t it a little bit odd to miss the deeper issues as well?Time is what consumes us,time is what borders our birth and our death,but what is beyond,not even the universe itself knows.
Anyway.Fears are fears.Losses are losses.Needs are needs.And time is the greatest dilemma of life.But since we cannot solve it because the only solution is time itself,we all become refugees....and our shelter is....inside...
Posted by Cristina at 7:48 AM 0 comments